... which is very silly, as I am practically never alone. ;)
Sometimes when life gets a bit too stressful, or overrun with responsibility.... or there's a goat with an infected hoof wound that needs my attention twice daily, every day - I realize that this is the first time in my life that I've ever really lived with such complete independence. I'm becoming financially independent for the first time, which helps to alleviate the weight of feeling like a financial drain to my folks (I'm an unfortunately expensive child, it seems haha). I'm done with school, at least for awhile, and am finally making choices based on what I really love and feel inspired to do. Which.... is AWESOME! :) However, sometimes on days like this, I also realize that I still have these deep pangs of sadness that arise when I realize that my heart has also changed in difficult ways over these past few years.
Maybe this is a good thing, ultimately. But I hate that insensitive boys and broken hearts have made me so afraid.
Good lord - I'm being so melodramatic (!). Better close now haha. Off to harvest edamame, peppers, okra, and melons, then prepare for market.
Sending you all my love, beloved friends. Hopefully your mornings are going a little bit more peacefully. <3
I know what you mean. The independence combined with med school stress is doing a number on my psyche. Not to mention that my love life has basically stalled as I get acclimated to medical student life.