"Oh, good scholar,/I say to myself,/how can you help/but grow wise/with such teachings/as these-/the untrimmable light/of the world,/the ocean's shine,/the prayers that are made/out of grass?" - Mary Oliver

Thursday, July 29, 2010

good morning, thursday.

It is a beautiful Thursday morning, and so I thought I'd help myself get moving by writing a little bit about my plans in the garden today.

Today I hope to....

harvest all of the okra, peppers, and melons that need harvesting in the upper garden. (our okra really is still coming in beautifully!)

figure out what's going on with our bean plants... I kind of made an error with this one. I planted a row of beans, with the help of my family, and then decided to ask Derek to do a second planting of lima beans in between each plant. The problem is that lima bean plants appear to have a pole habit (i.e. - they need a trellis!). As a result they've sort of climbed over the other bean plants, which are still alive but may or may not be producing fruit (beans) at this point. Essentially: crapola! But, I do like to be real with myself about my errors, which is why I feel more than comfortable writing about them here. Today, I need to get in there and face this massive, jumbled pile of beans and set it all straight!

check the edimame plants, which are absolutely lovely, and very close to harvest!

look at the new popcorn plants that I put in the ground last week -- have they germinated yet??

water both gardens - check the pressure on all drip tape lines. (we irrigate with a drip irrigation system, and sometimes minerals or other debris clog up the lines. To check/clean this out, I just go down to the end of each row, turn the nozzel "on",  and let it run for a little while so that the line frees itself of whatever's inside)

Well..... it sounds like today will be an upper garden day! I'm excited and ready for this, as I tend to secretly prefer working in the lower garden because of all the lovely flowers.

Over & out, dear friends!

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